Mike Smith (Illustrator)


The Road by Tarmac McCarthy, part three


  1. Jenni Bradbury
    Posted April 1, 2012 at 1:00 am | Permalink

    At this point I should declare an interest in ‘Big Fat Gypsy Wedding’ as No2 son is Assistant Producer on this ‘edifying’ insight into what is known as ‘traveller’ life….don’t feel too worried about this poor man, he’ll scam someone else, believe me!!!!
    Did he remove the Tarmac though?

  2. Mike
    Posted April 2, 2012 at 11:34 am | Permalink

    No, they didn’t remove the tarmac so actually it all turned out quite well for £150. If they’d just come along and said ‘do you want us to tarmac this lane for £150?’ we would probably have said yes, and there’d have been no need for all the dishonesty.