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This entry was written by Mike, posted on April 20, 2009 at 11:28 am. Bookmark the permalink. Follow any comments here with the RSS feed for this post.
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not really the sort of brown sticky stuff you want on your hands at Easter …
We agree!!
To cut a short story long, we ‘continuously-cruised – live-boarded’ for about 18 months, 2 years ago, – wintered at Market Harborough (4.5 months) and had 3 dogs, which were walked up and down the towpath everyday. Dave (my husband) religiously cleared their poo and if he saw any other poos he threw them, either, under the hedge or in the canal, depending which was nearest.
A local wheelchair-bound fisherman told us he had to buy another chair because his wife complained about the state of his wheels and the carpet!!
After some time, the local BW assistant reluctantly asked Dave to stop !?!
So, he did – the towpath deteriorated – and we left!
(ex) nb.Paws4thought