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Fancy drawers
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- David on Coming soon
- Dave on Saou alley
- Mike on My boy drawing
- Kath on My boy drawing
- Dave on 070119
- Dave on 070119
- Alex Ingram on An update
- Mike on An update
- Dave on An update
- Ian H on An update
- Ian Braithwaite on An update
- Dave Shelton on An update
- Andrew Rooney on An update
- Kath Corbett on An update
- Kath Corbett on An update
- Rebecca Burgess on An update
- Mike on Eddie
- Dave on Eddie
- Kath Corbett on Eddie
- Karen Jones on Eddie
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I get lots of emails asking me to insert ads for spurious junk into this blog, but I don't believe in it. If you enjoy this blog and would like to 'pay' something then you could buy one of my books, review it on Amazon, or buy me a book from my Amazon wish list. To those who have done this, I am very grateful. Thanks.
Ooh wow gosh
So far you’re about a year ahead of us at everything. It is like a sort of long-range weather forecast, but for life in general.
Gulp! I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you……
Kath (nb Herbie)
Helen, does that mean you’re pregnant and due soon? Rowan is nearly a year old. If so, congrats! It’s really nice to see that you still read this blog. I thought the people that hung around here from years ago had long since wandered off!
Yes (due 11 July), and house-owning and no longer boat-owning. Your blog is one of my favourite bits of the Internet – I always really enjoy it.