September 29, 2011 – 9:43 am
In Tomsk we met someone called Gregory who got together some of his mates with carrier bags full of vodka bottles, and took us into the Taiga Forest to murder us for a barbecue.

Gregory turned out to be the perfect host, guiding us back out of the forest in the small hours.

The trouble with staying in hostels is that you get on a kind of treadmill, meeting only other tourists. (We tried to correct this by using the couchsurfing website.) I wish I’d done more cartoons like the one below, but the trains and buses were too clattery to draw in.

September 26, 2011 – 12:39 pm
September 24, 2011 – 8:40 am
When Caz was little there was a world map their kitchen wall, and she found it hilarious that there was a place called Omsk and a place called Tomsk. Her Dad said they must go there one day, so we took a diversion to Tomsk, which is a small branch line (ie several hours in Russian terms) off the trans-Siberian railway. Caz’s Dad flew in to Moscow and joined us especially for that bit.

“The lady said she knows 3 expressions in English: ‘Thank you,’ ‘I love you,’ and ‘It’s a miracle!’”

September 22, 2011 – 2:59 pm
September 21, 2011 – 1:14 pm
Posting the sketchbook images from Beijing the other day made me realise it’s exactly four years since Caz and I made the trip from London to Singapore by train. We left on 17th September, arrived on 13th November, then spent 6 weeks in New Zealand. I thought it would be nice to post each page here on the same day four years later.
The text was intended just to jog my memory for writing it all up later, but of course I never did. Some of the drawings are truly awful but because I’m a completeness freak I’m going to scan them all.
Er, including the first one where the pencil got smudged into oblivion. No-one will ever know what we got up to in Minsk.

September 16, 2011 – 10:10 am
September 14, 2011 – 9:46 am
Talking about messy telegraph poles at Dungeness made me think of these biro sketches I did in a Beijing back street about four years ago. Every time I see one I get an ache to draw it. I dread to think why.

What this reminds me of more than anything is the sound of people hacking and gobbing in the street.
September 8, 2011 – 8:45 am
September 5, 2011 – 7:50 am

While we were on the south coast I did some sketching at Dungeness. It’s got to be one of the best places in the UK to go with a pad and pencil. It’s got everything, including loads of messy telegraph poles, which I particularly love drawing.
Caz’s dad is responsible for the design of part of the nuclear power station, but I can’t remember which bit.
September 2, 2011 – 8:49 am