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Can’t miserable gits really ruin your day? x
I thought that the UK had very liberal private property laws, and that hiking across private lands was allowed. Years ago I’d planned a trip to Scotland to hike the West Highland Way, and remember reading something along those lines, ie: all of the land of the Way is private, but that crossing it is protected by law. I guess I’m wrong?
Yes I’m afraid you are wrong Michael, in England at any rate. The people of England are funnelled into designated footpaths from which they must not stray lest they get ticked off by someone on a quad bike with a degree in condescension.
Scotland is different, and I don’t know exactly what the rules are but I’ve walked around there with no problem.
I don’t care who owns the land or why, I just think everyone should have access. Other countries manage it.
geddof moi land!
Maybe he’d heard about your ASBO though, Mike.
John is just beginning to learn animal noises (reliably attempts goats and wasps so far) and has the usual complement of books featuring farm animals, farmers and tractors. I am teaching him that farmers go, as stuart says, “Geddorf moi laaaaand!”
We’re reading an old favourite of mine, The Giant Jam Sandwich, before bedtime, which contains the line: “And Farmer Seed said ‘use my field’” — strikes me as the most unrealistic line in the whole story!
By the way I should point out that I didn’t do a very good job of conveying what actually happened in that picture. I never spoke to the landowner: it was me imagining what might happen if I walked past the sign, which of course I never did, being a coward.
I saw the thought bubble on first viewing, but only when I looked for it after saying to myself, “Mike would surely not have had that confrontation, would he?”
Perhaps some didn’t spot it because it looks a bit like fluffy clouds.
If I had had that confrontation I think I’d be drawing my next blog post in a hospital bed!