I’m not interested in advertising your tat on my blog.
Go away.
I’m not interested in advertising your tat on my blog.
Go away.
I get lots of emails asking me to insert ads for spurious junk into this blog, but I don't believe in it. If you enjoy this blog and would like to 'pay' something then you could buy one of my books, review it on Amazon, or buy me a book from my Amazon wish list. To those who have done this, I am very grateful. Thanks.
Or advertising your blog. Or learning how to boost traffic to it.
Or, indeed, obtaining a six pack or getting ‘ripped’.
It’s never anything you’d remotely be interested in, is it? No spam that says ‘cup of tea, Mike? Maybe a biccy, too?’ Why is that? Gap in the market I tell ya.
Well if I had an offer to advertise chocolate hobnobs, paid for with free samples, my principles would be severely tested…