September 6, 2012 – 10:19 am
I have a very silly four page story in this week’s Phoenix comic. Here is part of the beginning for a taster…
The Phoenix is a great story comic for kids, with no ads and no plastic rubbish on the front. To subscribe go here. I think you can buy individual issues in Waitrose.
November 25, 2009 – 8:28 pm
Also tagged book, bus, caz, diary, glasses, gosh comics, graphic novels, green, london, middle aged everything, mike, nerd, nerdy, pop, really nonsense, shelf, shelves, shop, speccy, special day whatever, specs, sweetshop
August 7, 2008 – 11:16 pm
Also tagged arrow, beach, blue sky, bucket, bury, child, clouds, diary, dig, draw, find, game, hole, holiday, kid, maria, mike, sand, sea, shells, spade, summer, sun, treasure hunt