Sorry about the lack of posts recently. I am without scanner. To make up for it I thought I’d post some details of images from a top secret* book I’ve been working on. I believe this is normal behaviour for illustrators anyway.

*It’s not really top secret, but it sounds more exciting that way.
December 12, 2011 – 8:50 am
Also tagged book, characters, children's book, cold, colour, conversation, dave, diary, failure, fear, job, kill myself, mike, monologue, night, publisher, richard scarry, road, roughs, story, street, traffic light, try, walking, winter, worry, yes
October 5, 2011 – 9:11 am
Also tagged appealing, bear, bow, caz, characters, children's book, cord, crapping hell, cute, cuter, diary, endearing, generic, hissy, individual, kitten, mike, prima donna, rat, teddy, warm
September 16, 2010 – 7:07 am
Also tagged alone, art, baby, bar, bench, book, breast, cafe, caz, child, confined, corsica, deck, draw, enclosed space hundreds people, feed, ferry, flag, france, french, granny jan, hell, holiday, lifeboat, mast, mike boat, nightmare, paradise, radar, seat, ship, sketchbook, sleep, son, tgv, train, trapped, worst