Mike Smith (Illustrator)


The last voyage of St Kilda (possibly)


  1. Anonymous
    Posted September 13, 2009 at 11:51 pm | Permalink

    oh no! It’s like losing a character in a drama or sitcom. It shall be missed.
    (but still, congrats on selling it :) Lovely strip as always, love the approach (no pun intended) you took on this.

  2. Caz
    Posted September 14, 2009 at 8:15 pm | Permalink

    Don’t worry, the fat lady hasn’t sung yet! The marina who are suposed to be selling it for us are so apathetic that we’re already planning a narrowboat holiday in the spring. Caz
    P.S. Is there anyone out there wanting to buy a lovely boat?

  3. Posted September 16, 2009 at 8:24 am | Permalink

    Do you know I’d be quite tempted if I thought there was a chance of getting a mooring in Cambridge.
    Oh, and if I had enough money – I’m guessing they’re not cheap.

  4. Mike
    Posted September 16, 2009 at 11:31 am | Permalink

    Well, I happen to know (because I did the poster!) that there is an Open Boat Day in Cambridge on Sunday 27th Sept. You could take a look around a few boats and see whether it appeals. Annoyingly I can’t make it. We did think of bringing St Kilda with a For Sale sign, but it would’ve taken a week or two to get there.