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Fancy drawers
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- Dave on 070119
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- Kath Corbett on An update
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- Kath Corbett on Eddie
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I get lots of emails asking me to insert ads for spurious junk into this blog, but I don't believe in it. If you enjoy this blog and would like to 'pay' something then you could buy one of my books, review it on Amazon, or buy me a book from my Amazon wish list. To those who have done this, I am very grateful. Thanks.
How on earth are you finding time to draw this?! Get back and start changing nappies…
Wow! Congratulations. I’ve just got home from holiday and checked up on your blog. Haven’t yet read all about it but was very excited to hear the news. Congratulations again.
Congratulations, great name, though I like Wilf too!
The same thing happened with my friend and her baby, “Property of Royal Sussex County Hospital”. xx
congratulations! Have been away for a couple of weeks so checked up on your progress as soon as I returned! Well done! And spooky about the pillow?!! It was fate!
Just wanted to say thanks to everyone for the nice messages. I promise I am changing nappies and I have a feeling this blog is going to fall behind in the next few weeks…
Hi Mike!!!